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Happily Ever After...

Life & Events > Who Says I'm Not Thankful?!

Who Says I'm Not Thankful?!

BiPolarBarry came out to play this morning.
He and my husband have gone hunting.
Perhaps when they get back, both will be in a better mood.
Because Lord knows Momma is not digging their demeanour.
Sometimes when Momma don’t dig, Momma opens her mouth and says what she thinks!

Going to an early Thanksgiving dinner this evening. Yeah. Not exactly enthused but will make the best of it. A nephew by marriage is in from Afghanistan and won’t be here for the dated one. The plus side of this is, at least I won’t have to spend my only day off in the true thanksgiving week surrounded by those I wouldn’t necessarily choose to spend my one day off with.

I’m sorry.

But I feel like I die a little inside when I hear the simplest words mispronounced.

I know. I know.

It’s not like I am a spelling nazi. No really.

I can hear the cadence and accent when some are mispronounced and I do appreciate the sounds.

But for fucks sakes, have they never read a fairytale, not once do I see once end with a st…oncest.
It’s funny, the amount of times once can be said in one conversation. Not so bloody funny the amount of times I can hear it in a days time.

Acrosst is another of them.

I can guarantee I will hear both said this evening. I will smoke some and make it a game, keeping an imaginary tally in my head of who says them.

I made my wild rice dish. Embellished with my spiced up butter fried corn, peas and carrots and diced ham. It’s bloody good, even if I say so myself. Can be eaten hot or cold.

First time I have made something to take to a Hillbillie family do. Usually the husband says not to bother. So I usually don’t. But after living here for [well shit I had to think] four years and not finding much to eat at these affairs. I know. Quit looking at me as if I am picky. I tell the husband…I just know what I like to eat. Dammit….when he makes that inaccurate accusation.

Life is far to bloody short to eat stuff that tastes like crap.

Or worse still.

Tastes like nothing.


Bland café central is my cousin [by marriage] cooking style. I once had a new years dinner, where the turkey, ham, mashed potato, flat-noodles and vegetables all tasted like nothingness. I [as well as others] ended up salting the fuck out of that meal. To no avail. I am still amazed that such a feast can taste so bad.

No wonder they eat out a helluva lot.

Bon appétit

posted on Nov 15, 2010 9:59 AM ()


My golfing buddy (from Corbin, KY) says "golf court" rather than course. Who knows. My gripe is "off ten" for often, silent t. We don't say "liss-ten, for listen. I could go on. Maybe the food isn't salted because of blood pressure problems.?
comment by solitaire on Nov 18, 2010 6:43 AM ()
I am presently going through something with my taste buds. Only sweet
things have any appeal.
comment by elderjane on Nov 17, 2010 5:33 AM ()
I can just see that snow storm of salt, everyone keeping their head down pounding those shakers. You are doing the right thing to take something you like, and it sounds really good.
comment by troutbend on Nov 15, 2010 11:24 PM ()
My speech is pure southern cornpone, but I like the way you write anyway!
Well, I live in a cultural and gastronomic wasteland. The nearest restaurant features canned and cooked from frozen foods (although they make good fried chicken)nothing fresh. I just read in the latest AARP magazine Mississippians where I live have the lowest intake of fresh fruit and veggies of any state.
comment by susil on Nov 15, 2010 8:42 PM ()
R makes fun of me when I say acrosst... and I do on occasion... so I am glad we are only typing buddies.
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 15, 2010 11:35 AM ()
Oh my goodness, girl...you know how to get me laughing.

I'm the same way about food and bring my own seasonings whenever I visit my family. They have an aversion to flavour. It might be a disability. I'm not sure.

I hope that the Bi-Polar part stays in the bush with the deer.

Halloween is my favourite holiday because it doesn't require family dinners or spending time with family in general. I suggest vodka to go with your smoke.
comment by juliansmom on Nov 15, 2010 10:52 AM ()

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