Kevin yandell


Kevin yandell
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Life & Events > G'day That Wasn't

G'day That Wasn't

Will be one xmas to remember, things started to go bad xmas eve ,Cath who had been cooking all day , started vomiting late afternoon , then hot and cold shivers , she took a couple of tablets but by 9.30 pm thought it would be wise to get a locum doctor to come and see her.
Noted the time that I rang when I was told there was a 3hr wait and that that were very busy, come midnight I rang again was told extremely busy and doctor was only two suburbs away .
3 am Cath said she was starting to feel better she was falling asleep off and on .
Doctor finally arrived at 3.30 am, he examined her , temp was just above normal so he told us it was a virus doing the rounds , gave her 2 tablets to settle the stomach and said she would be okay after a sleep'
Both of us crashed till 8.30 am then went into daughters house for breakfast and to open presents like we do each year , she was okay no problems , from there we had to go for lunch at daughter in laws who lives a few Kms away, it was there I started to feel ill , not bad just tired, so left there and came home hopefully to get a couple of hours sleep before we were to go to gran daughters for dinner , my two other daughters would also be there
Cath had all presents plus salads ready to go when I woke up, and I just could not find it in me to drive the 50 Kms there and possibly in the dark again back, so Cath phoned to say sorry and we stayed home, by this time I had the virus took a tablet the doc gave Cath and today all is well again
Have invited all to dinner here Saturday so pressies will have to wait till then.

The locum is an after hours doctor that comes to house as you probably guessed

posted on Dec 25, 2013 10:28 PM ()


Glad to hear it was nothing lingering, but it probably didn't feel that way.
comment by redwolftimes on Jan 11, 2014 3:05 PM ()
A house call, how great is that? I remember one when I was sick as a child. Glad you are okay. Too bad you missed the dinner, but you made up for it with your own invitation.
comment by tealstar on Jan 6, 2014 5:10 PM ()
Haven't heard of a doc making a house call in 50 years! Here it's off to the ER, which is Ok where I live. Never too busy. Glad you both made a quick recovery!
comment by jjoohhnn on Dec 30, 2013 7:00 PM ()
Even here in SW Florida, one can easily wait two hours to be seen in the nearest ER. Ed took me a couple of years ago with a severe upper respiratory infection -- I could not swallow even water. It was cold, I was wearing my northern down jacket I curled up across two chairs and went to sleep. In New York I waited 7 - 8 hours one night with an infected finger where the pain had started shooting up my arm. Every drive by shooting victim had to go first.
reply by tealstar on Jan 6, 2014 5:08 PM ()
Glad to hear it was over rather quickly. Being down with the flu is yucky. But how interesting to hear that somewhere there are still doctors doing house calls.
comment by drmaus on Dec 27, 2013 6:41 AM ()
Memorable, indeed! I'm glad it was a quick-moving virus, didn't stay around.
comment by troutbend on Dec 26, 2013 5:31 PM ()
Those nasty nasty virus things are the pits but you get over them soon.
comment by elderjane on Dec 26, 2013 11:26 AM ()
Glad you both are better--and no you can't keep the presents for yourself!!!
comment by greatmartin on Dec 26, 2013 7:52 AM ()
wow!Santa was not very good to both of you.Hope your feeling better by now.
Happy New Year.You were wise to stay home and not to spread the cold or flu to your family and grandchildren.
comment by fredo on Dec 26, 2013 7:07 AM ()

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