Yippee! I'm done, as they say in the movies. VINCENT'S ON THE CAN is a fait accompli, fertig and finito.
The top is blue with clouds in the center and a yellow and white image of the sun.
It has half the varnish coats on it and is drying for the final varnish. I'm putting the paints and brushes away.
posted on Aug 31, 2008 2:06 PM ()
Your can is beautiful, jon. Welsh huh? I think the Greeks are related.
Big Day Tomorrow - Labor Day... No. It's the day that Cliff Lee (19-2), Cleveland Indians pitcher, goes for his possible 20th win! He has been magnificent all year, throwing for a team that is four games under .500, and after being sent down to the minors (Buffalo-AAA) last year and not finishing the season in Cleveland. Cliff may win the American League Cy Young Award, making it two in a row for Clevelands Indians pitchers (C.C. Sabathia won last year with 19 wins. C.C. got traded to the Brewers this summer.) So I am watching the afternoon game on Labor Day... I mean Cliff Lee Day. Oh, by the way, he tosses against the Seattle Mariners, who have beaten the Tribe three in a row this weekend.
Gorgeous! I hope they don't use that for actual trash. Good job, Jon.
Help me, Jon! I want to make a bid on this beauty!!