The original paintings that I based my can on are both Vincent van Gogh paintings from his time in Auvers, around 1890.

This is titled: "Cottages with Thatched Roofs. Auvers-sur-Oise."
The other side is...

...and is titled "Wheatfield with Cypresses."
Why do I copy Vincent's work when I do these pro-bono artworks?
First, I don't think my own originals should go on rocking chairs and trash cans. Who would recognize them? Second, everyone with vision recognizes Vincent's art. That gives them additional value. The purpose here is to generate the willingness to buy one of the works. After all, it's for a good cause.
Later today, when I have completed the can's lid, I will take pics and post them here. Now I must get ready to take my mother to brunch at T.J. Willie's. It is the highlight of her week, and I need to get get out of here.
Please send us some rain. We have only had .43 inches here since August 1st. The corn is already withering. The soybeans are browning. The grass is powder. (That's 'lawn grass'...LOL)
If you live along the Gulf coast and are sitting at home reading this, you may leave now>
1. Shut off your computer.
2. Get in the car (Don't forget your pets and children!)
3. Point the car north.
4. Drive!
God speed! I hope it doesn't come ashore where any of you live.