Febreze. I didn't say it was old. I was dating a 57 year-old late in the summer. That's pretty much about how old my ex would be now. 55, I think, but I have already forgotten that much (thanks be to the heavens!)
I just love Trout's answer.
This is a very realistic painting - I had to look twice, I thought it was a photo first of all. Like it very much - the leaves are almost the shade of my new hair colour!
Still study this.Trying to see something there.Takes me awhile to see what you were thinking in painting this.
I like this one. Must be the bright colours.
I like the way the sun hits those tree trunks.
Love the trees! You could hide in them....
I shouldn't panic. I have this Russian 'shicksa,' who has been corresponding with me for a few years. We met online, on a blog like this one, but not Blogster or MyBloggers or even Facebook. So, now she wants to "come Yew-Ess." I am afraid of that happening! It's not that she is your typical Russian lady, either very hefty former Gulag guard - or one of those slick-looking model would-be's that are advertised on the hook-up web sites. No, she's a professional, makes decent cash, and ain't bad looking for her age (56.)
It is that I have absolutely no desire to have a relationship with any female beyond a nice lunch, dinner or late night pizza. She is convinced that I am her soul mate and that's not true! I fear this. I may have to go into hiding. Bora Bora is looking good.