"Handley Vineyards" (Mendocino County, CA) 12" by 9" Acrylic on Canvas June 2008
$240 plus packing and shipping costs
posted on June 1, 2008 1:42 PM ()
Stunning painting, Jon. More, please. xx, T.
Omigosh! I never knew you painted too! I love that you use blocks of color and omit the distracting details. I can't do that to save my life!
Absolutely BEAUTIFUL Jondude!!
Jon, you are SO creative... writing, painting, what else?? Beautiful!
Toss some Georgia Pines on some canvass and you've got me!!
I HATE talented people--well,not really--just jealous as I can't even draw stick figures!!!
Another masterpiece Jon, I love the lighting on the feild, - so realistic
If I put SP-15 sunblock on my rhubarb, will it keep from wilting in the sudden hot sun? I cut a great bunch to make a strawberry-rhubarb pie tomorrow. Eat your heart out, Iron Chef!