Jon Adams


Jon Adams
Tiffin, OH
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A Minority Of One

Life & Events > News That Numbs ...

News That Numbs ...

I'll bet the neo-cons have shat themselves now that the Bush administration is partly nationalizing some banks.


This is the time for earnings reports from corporations that trade their stocks on the exchanges. There won't be much good news there, except for the oil giants, of course. Don't look for this market sucker rally to last.


Browns 35 - Giants 14

Need I say how proud I am of those DAWGS?


Senator McCain is announcing his economic plan to save us from more disasters. I hear one of his talking points is that he will purchase one more house. I think that will make 14? Or is is eight? I forget.


Doobie spent his third straight night alone in the dark, cold and scary cellar. About nine last night he chased Bunjii into the bathroom cabinet again. When is he going to get the idea that if he chases and attacks Bunjii he gets the night in the dungeon?


It is gathering for a rain storm. We need it. I am going out to splash some detergent on my car, just in case.


Aldi has 8-oz.packages of mushrooms for sixty-nine cents. They are about $2.29 in the other stores. What's up with mushrooms? How much crude oil does it take to grow the damned things?


I'm back at work. I am designing a 4-page brochure for a CA client. In between phases I have been painting. I have two new canvasses underway. They are both in my Vineyard series. My patron almost cleaned me out of my "studies" small paintings last Thursday. He bought three of them. If you check my web site you'll see that I only have two of them left for sale.


Time now to head for the store. I need coffee, cat food and T.P. Gotta always have some of those items around. I also discovered that I ran out of Worcester sauce! How can a cook live without it? The cats want me to buy them some yarn. They completely unwound my ball of string last night. I refuse to rewind it.


Peace, and stay calm. It's still 98 days until Mr. Bush goes back to Crawford. Count your blessings.

posted on Oct 14, 2008 10:10 AM ()


Cheap mushrooms...hmm. Sounds like a vegetarian stroganoff is in order.
comment by busymichmom on Oct 16, 2008 10:35 AM ()
After so many evenings of having to put Doobie in the cellar because he attacks Bunjii, last night (after another vicious assault) I banished him down there. I put a litter box, bowls and a little bed on the landing. He is no longer part of our kitty family. I don't have any other good options.
comment by jondude on Oct 15, 2008 6:50 AM ()
I LOVE your new avatar photo! So artistic and I love the "eyes". Maybe consider painting it?
comment by whereabouts on Oct 14, 2008 8:59 PM ()
My kids' dog hated me. He continually peed on my bed. I finally banished him outside permanently.
comment by redimpala on Oct 14, 2008 5:38 PM ()
if those cats would stop drinking all that coffee, they wouldn't need all that T.P..

yer former cat parent pal
comment by honeybugg on Oct 14, 2008 4:36 PM ()
I'll have to try the detergent on my car thing the next time it rains around here.
comment by anniel on Oct 14, 2008 11:55 AM ()
Oh a vineyard series??? Sounds really nice...
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 14, 2008 11:36 AM ()
my father in law is taking out his savings that are invested, he has already lost half of what he had. he said he would make more just putting it in a savings account! scary times jondude.
it seems doobie might be jealous of the extra nurturing that bunji had gotten perhaps, I liked Teals comment about it.
comment by elkhound on Oct 14, 2008 10:39 AM ()
About Doobie -- I used to pen up Brunswick in the spare bathroom when he scratched the furniture. That only worked a short time, then his obstinate character kicked in and he'd come right out and scratch again. Then I started being really sweet to him, showing him the right and wrong thing -- no, no (sweetly) to the furniture and taking him to the scratch post and loving him while I put his paws on it. That's working much better. Just a thought.

I still think this sucker rally is better than what was going on before. I have an acquaintance who visited a while back who reacted fearfully to every market change -- for a while it was going up 100 one day, down the next, up the third day, etc. I thought of him during this past week, imagining he was probably in intensive care.
comment by tealstar on Oct 14, 2008 10:18 AM ()

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