Jon Adams


Jon Adams
Tiffin, OH
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A Minority Of One

Life & Events > Drive On, Miss Daisy ...

Drive On, Miss Daisy ...

It began to look like the storm was over. Wrong. The weather maps don't agree. It is probably a lull. I gave the neighbor kid a ten spot to scrape some paths down the sidewalk and to my steps, where I had already scraped about a two-foot wide path. There is about two tons of snow on my front porch and I will have to shovel some of that off before the old wood breaks. It looks like we got about 14 inches above the old 5 or 6 that was left from Tuesday. My car is under a giant bump of the stuff. I can see the crack of space under part of the front bumper, but that's all. The drifts are humungous.

I called my uncles to make sure they were not trying to be John Waynes with shovels. One has a neighbor with a snow machine and another lives in a senior center that pays pros to do it. I don't believe I will be going anywhere until at least Monday. Nothing is open anyway. Even Wal-Mart won't open till noon tomorrow. We are still at Level 3. They are arresting people (giving them tickets) for driving outside town without an emergency. The state routes are even closed.

Even if I had the energy to scrape and shovel out my car, how could I drive out of the alley? It is unplowed and has not one tire track! The snow is higher than my bumper! And where would I go? The fast food joints (Wendy's, McD's, BK, Taco Bell, Arby's, Long John Silver's and KFC are ALL closed.) OMG! I'll bet the boys cleared the snow away from the VFW, though. Saturday is the day you sign-up for the weekly gambling drawings! Can't miss that and the dollar beer!

I made Ghirardelli brownies and ate them covered with Ben & Jerry's Turtle Soup ice cream... for lunch. I'm still full. My cats look out the window and think the world has come to an end.

posted on Mar 8, 2008 2:27 PM ()


Love the cartoon!
comment by wickedwitchofthewest on Mar 9, 2008 3:19 PM ()
funny cartoon. I did that once...only it was a newspaper machine. We are getting a bit of yer storm here, we have what looks like 5-6 inches so far and its still flurrying a bit. from the way the trees are moving the wind seems brisk and would pro'ly cut a person a new one.. you stay inside with the "kids"... let that neighbor child continue to do yer shoveling...yer back, remember.

yer getting cabin fever pal
comment by honeybugg on Mar 8, 2008 3:28 PM ()
I have a box of that brownie mix in my pantry! Can't the kid shovel your porch too? I really don't want you hurting your back again.
as for that cartoon, I did that once when I had kota in the car. I drove up to the mailbox and said, can I get a big mac? now everytime we do that, kota yells out, gimme some macaroni and cheese!
comment by elkhound on Mar 8, 2008 2:56 PM ()
the was so funny and had my big laugh for the day.
Oh!that was so great.Thank you for posting the cartoon.
Oh!!!the brownie sounds great along with Ben and Jerry Turtle
Soup never had this,will have to check it out.
Yes,it is raining very hard and the wind is coming,Buffy will
not go out in this mess.Not the rain he hates the wind.
Sorry,to hear all the mess that your having there.
Tomorrow,I am worry as the temp is supposed to drop and then
we will have ice.Hate ice and hope not.
Will see,turn the clock an hour ahead.
comment by fredo on Mar 8, 2008 2:50 PM ()

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