I just read Bugg's responses to the latest quiz circulating around MyBloggerstown, and since it doesn't ask what color socks I'm wearing, I've decided to post my own answers (although I might leave some answers the way I find them if I can't think of anything better)!
Three things I am looking forward to: Paying off my credit card debt; A camping trip--anywhere; Paying off my credit card debt.
Three favorite books: A Brief History of Time; The Power Of Now; Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions.
Three favorite movies: The Breakfast Club; Rambo (any); And ah... well, I don't give two chits about movies.
Three habits you find irritating: Talking while chewing; whining (not that I haven't done it); writing short stories instead of posts.
Three names I go by: "John"; "Hey"(Donna only) and probably others that I don't know about yet.
Three jobs I have had: I don't discuss work online, but before college I was a clerk, a cleaner, and a cafeteria manager.
Three places I have lived: Queens (New York City); Phoenicia, Eastern Catskills; Delhi, Western Catskills; all in NY!
Three tv shows I watch: Nightly News (NBC); Hell's Kitchen; Locked Up Abroad.
Three places I have been: Des Moines Iowa; Florida; Montreal.
Three of my favorite foods: Chinese buffet; Whopper; anything I cook myself.
Hmm... seems like there were more questions... Oh well, you've learned enough about me for one day anyway (see above for things I find annoying). Have a good one!