On the assumption that giving thanks involves giving, we volunteered today to work the second shift at the community dinner! Unofficial estimate was that a hundred people had been served between noon and one o'clock when I took over at the carving station. I don't know what the total count was, but people were still coming in at 2:45--15 minutes before the event ended.
The dinner was sponsored by the local churches and held at the fire hall. This is good, as far as volunteering, since not everybody knows everybody else. But I must say that everybody I worked with was friendly and people did what needed to be done without a supervisor standing watch. Made for a very pleasant experience--the best of small town living!
Me and Donna got to eat at about 2 o'clock. Eating during the day is usually something we don't do, and I was still stuffed at dinner time, which was also nice because I don't have to cook! Maybe some desert later. No dishes to do either. Donna did a few at the hall while I packed up leftovers for people to take home with them, but it was nothing like the clean up after cooking a turkey at home.
We also brought home leftovers, so we'll be eating turkey and turkey soup for much longer than I care to. I actually thought I'd get out of that this year by not cooking at home, but noooooooooo! Oh well, Donna can eat most of it and I'll have pierogies and ravoli and other carbs that she doesn't eat!
Hope you had a great day too... Merry Christmas and Happy Easter,