There are probably better copies of that tune on youtube, but the lyrics are understandable, and that's the point. If you remember that track, you know something about the politics of hair. If you've never heard of that song, or the implications of its content, I'll fill you in a bit later.
I don't know what the record is for replies to a post on mybloggers, but my She Wants to Hack Off My Tail post from a few days ago has 22 (or so) replies, with still more being added. What I find interesting about that is that I wasn't taking a poll--should I or shouldn't I cut it. It was just a blog about a haircut and a few other topics. Looks like greasers do know something about the politics of hair!
I want to think everybody who commented, even if you didn't offer a direct suggestion. Sometimes "do what you think" or "be true to yourself" is just as telling as "go for it" or "don't do it". I almost had my mind made up when I did that post, but a few of the comments really got me thinking. And the way my buddy was speechless the other night when I mentioned it--really makes me think twice.
The basic politics of the situation in the 60s was this: We who had hair were called all sorts of names, including fag, communist, pinko... sometimes all in the same sentence. Some of the clean-cut All-American set were willing to get violent over their opinions, as I found out personally. Sucker punch, of course--the asses didn't really know what they were talking about, it was just baggage they picked up from their parents.
One salient observation I must make at this point is that I was talking about 60s politics in the last paragraph. Ok, so I get it, the 60s are over. But on the other hand, we are all a product of our experience. So is it still a "freak flag" that identifies me to like-minded old gents? Yup, sure is, as evidenced by my buddy's speechlessness. Is it important? Well, I'm beginning to think not.
I was out in the breeze today with the same formerly speechless buddy and I had hair flapping in my face. As the song says, "could have said it gets in my way..." Well, it does. I should probably mention that the local hair cutter called back this morning to schedule an appointment. She only works Tuesday - Friday. I made an appointment for Wednesday (tomorrow) morning at 10. I think I'm trying to talk myself out of going, but it doesn't seem to be working. Again, thanks, Fredo, Jim, Adam, and a few others... but I'm afraid it fell on a toasted brain. As somebody famous once said: If you remember the 60s you weren't really there.....