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Men Are From Mars....

Life & Events > Pet Business and Chia Obama

Pet Business and Chia Obama

Yesterday was an unusually busy day, beginning early with a visit to the ninth annual rummage sale to benefit the Heart of the Catskills Humane Society. Doors open at 8:30, but the event is so popular--sort of like the unofficial beginning of yardsale season and spring--that the crowd begins to line up before 8. By 8:12, there were more people online than would be allowed in on the first rush. We were near the head of the line, having arrived by 8, so we got some of the first pickin's.

Some of this stuff is brand new in original packaging, so a few items more than pay for the whole lot. This is the way I like to donate to worthy causes. Not only because I come away with more than a lighter wallet, but because 100% of the proceeds go the the cause!

I would like to have a word with the ^@$#% who donated a vacuum (not pictured) tho. Maybe the folks setting up from the shelter plugged the damn thing in and heard the motor run, but that doesn't mean it sucks! Well, actually, it does suck--it doesn't do what it's supposed to do, so it's out with the trash already! Why do low-life bastards donate stuff that they are replacing when they know why they are replacing it? Had I bought this thing at a yard sale I'd take it back, but in this case, it's not the Shelter's fault, and I would have given the $$ anyway.

We returned home after the rummage sale for another pot of coffee, then headed out to where Donna's daughter and husband are staying to celebrate the b-day of grandbaby #3. Donna has a few pics (Ok, a few dozen pics) of kids with frosting all over their faces that she may get to posting.

Then another stop home for dinner before the Saturday night meeting of my 12-Step Group. It's raining today, and getting late already, but I'll have an opportunity to catch up on indoor stuff.

For a drastic changes in subject: "San Francisco-based Joseph Enterprises, the company behind the Chia Pet and The Clapper, is rolling out its own brand of patriotism with a clay statuette of the commander in chief. Just add water and Obama's hair grows faster than the national deficit." Link
All I can say is, I don't plan to buy one.

One more change of subject. I took a different back road home with my buddy the other day and wanted to get a pic. I didn't have the camera with me that day. So me and Donna went that way yesterday. The picture doesn't quite do this hill justice, but it's close enough...

Have a good one.....

posted on Mar 29, 2009 7:45 AM ()

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