The snow and ice is compressed to a walkable level, and the sun was shining again, so I couldn't resist splitting some wood. I don't need much of an excuse to spend time outside, but I prefer to have a purpose. Yesterday was nice outside too, but I was better dressed for the cold and wind today, so it was more enjoyable.
Turns out that the arthritis in my right hand is a bit worse this spring, but a dose of ibuprofen took care of that. Who knows, maybe I'm just out of shape from four months inside. I had the boyz out with me and the fresh air seems to have tired them out too. I'm about ready for dinner.
Benny has been having trouble with anxiety again. I'm not sure why, but I suspect it has something to do with changing his routine when we go out. We had to start closing the mudroom door last winter, and that seems to be what set him off. He wants to go from the mudroom windows to the crate inside the house and he can't. The behaviorist told me to give her a call after I worked with him for a week, but I'm not sure exactly what to report.
My sweetie is off babysitting (expect a grandbaby blog with pics) and I'll be dining alone again tonight. I still haven't made a cake, which is usually what I do as soon as she leaves, but I'll settle for pudding. No sense splitting wood and then putting the calories right back.
I wasn't able to send email this morning, so I'll let mybloggers do it for me! I miss you sweetie! I'll email when I can or else send one from here without graphics!
Happy Spring!