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Men Are From Mars....

Life & Events > Dinner After Dark - Depressing

Dinner After Dark - Depressing

The annual return to standard time seems to be the unofficial beginning of winter. The sun is already so far south that it spends most of the time behind the trees that line the driveway. The front window, (where I'm sitting now) will get a few direct rays for an hour or so this afternoon, but that's about it.

The pasture outback was white this morning when I took the boyz out, but I didn't have my camera with me. The fog at the top of the slope was basically frozen and reflecting morning rays like diamonds. It snowed once so far, but we got very little at 1600 feet. Last year's early snow was much heavier and did damage to any vegetation that hadn't dropped it's leaves. I was out cutting branches of lilac that split at the base.

But at least it's sunny for once! October was as cloudy and wet as May, June and July! The end of the driveway is a swamp. You know that dead pond smell? Yuck!

Donna and I completed our Hep B vaccination (three injections over 5 months) and I grabbed a tetanus shot at the same time since I had been bitten by Arby the killer guinea pig a few days before. I guess my finger looked too much like a carrot. In his defense, he is very cute, which goes a long way when you're small and useless.

My last small rodent bite was from a prairie dog in a pet shop ten years ago. I had no clue that it was going to turn into a big production when I went to the doc for a tetanus shot. Turns out that the doc's office was required to report the incident to the county, and I got a call from a guy at the county health department telling me to get rabies shots. It was paid for by the shop's insurance, but still a PIA, in more ways than one.

Not much else happening, although we both got involved with an online game at another site that is somewhat addictive. All my online time has been devoted to that. If you play YoVille, email me--I need more friends!

Enjoy winter, ....

posted on Nov 2, 2009 11:22 AM ()

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