Yes, you read that right. I seem to be most prolific when I'm bedfast. The rest of the time I can't stop running long enough to blog properly.
So, I'm laid up for a day or two with this stomach infection and other related maladies. It kind of reminds me of the time I sprained my ankle. In fact, I think that was when I first started reading Marg over at Nittineedles. Hi, Marg. I was cranking out a blog a day then, or maybe even more.
There's this birthday party at the church tonight. Food, and all that. Someone even rented a huge inflatable bouncing play thing for our tiny little church yard. (I have no idea what the proper name is.)
Needless to say, I'm not going to be anywhere around. Oh rats. *snicker* In fact, I've posted a sign on my door which opens into the tiny church yard. It reads as follows: Favor de tocar solamente en el caso de emergencia. Which being interpreted means: Please knock only in case of emergency. I hope to cut down on the number of uninvited visitors tonight.
This nausea and stomach pain comes and goes in waves. The diarreah just comes and goes, quickly. I can't really tell what good the daily shot in the rumpus does for me, but "doctor's orders", you know.
I wonder who the first ignoramus will be to knock on my door just to ask some stupid question or simply defy the request to keep it to a minimum? I have three ideas. LOL
My fellow companions in tribulation are lucky. They have an apartment off-site, a perk I plan to copy ASAP. A man needs his space and his privacy even if he IS a missionary in a foreign country.
I'll keep you posted, if it matters at all. LOL