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Cities & Towns > Immigration Woes

Immigration Woes

The 250 dollars I saved by filing myself for my permit to do religious work in Mexico, might have been better spent on the lawyer I thought was overcharging.

In May, I started the "easy, stream-lined process" of applying for my extension. All the required photocopies and letters of approval in tow, everything copied at least two or three times, I presented my packet at the appropriate window. "Come back in fourteen days to pick up your documents, sir."

Fourteen days later, no permit. "It's in Mexico City. Come back in ten days."

Two weeks later, no permit. "It's in Mexico City. Come back in two weeks." OK, we're talking about an hour and a half in heavy traffic, exorbitant parking fees (when there is parking). I guess my frustration was obvious. "If you have questions or doubts, you may go across the hall and speak to Ms. Pati." Ms. Pati wasn't in her office. I'll come back next time.

On the way home, I was stopped by the Federal Police, much like our Highway Patrol. Some over-inflated, egotistical and corrupt officer, swaggered up to my vehicle and asked for my documents. He thought he had himself a big fat bribe on the hook. WRONG! "Is this the last vehicle permit you have? It's expired." "Yes, it is." I replied. "I have an FM3 which, as you know, maintains the validity of my vehicle permit as long as my FM3 is current." He said, "Let me see your FM3." I handed him the letter explaining that my FM3 is in Mexico City being processed. I had been told that the letter was sufficient proof in any legal or judicial matter. He replied, "You should have your FM3 with you." I said, "Sir, immigration required me to hand it over for renewal and told me that this letter was sufficient proof." By now, I'm getting irritated. Besides, he had absolutely NO reason to pull me over. I wasn't speeding or breaking any other laws. He just saw what he thought was a big, fat bribe riding down the road.

"You have to carry the FM3 with you everywhere you go."

I replied, "Sir, how can I explain to you that if immigration requires me to hand it in, how can I have it with me at the same time?"

He retorted, "How can I explain to you that you need to have it with you at all times?! Have a good day!"

LOL!!! I had bested him. The only thing he could come up with was that, and he was MAD! Just to be sure, I went back to Ms. Pati and asked her if the official letter from her office was sufficient. She called Mexico City and they reassured her that it was. Meanwhile, I asked her about why my FM3 was taking so long. Ms. Pati, "Oh, these documents sometimes take a couple of months to get back." Great. Why doesn't the nerd over in Window No. 1 know that?

I went back several times, still to no avail. Yesterday was the straw that broke the camel's back. They handed me a letter from Mexico City asking for a photocopy that I had already included in the original packet. Evidently, the nerdette in Window No. 2 failed to include it when she sent off the stack of stuff. I was livid. Fortunately, I had it with me. After standing in the wrong line for half an hour and the right line for half an hour, I turned in a photocopy that should have been in Mexico City already. Ms. Pati was not in office yesterday either. Good for her. She was fixin' to get an ear full, as I was loaded for bear.

I've decided to not even go back for another month. Woe to the Federal Police officer that tries to stop me this time. I might just go ballistic.
Thanks for stopping by.

posted on Aug 29, 2008 11:03 AM ()


That is such a mess. They should make it easy for you knowing what a sacrifice you are making for their people.
comment by elderjane on Aug 30, 2008 6:42 AM ()
OMGosh, I can't believe what a pain getting your papers has been for you! I must say, being as ticked off as you were, you were much more polite to the officer than I could have been. I probably would have been in a heap of trouble because once I get mad, it's all over. I hope everything gets processed quickly now that the nerd at window 2 has submitted the photocopies she left out the first time.
comment by jennrud on Aug 29, 2008 11:55 PM ()
Sorry to hear you are having such a difficult time getting your papers.
comment by hopefields on Aug 29, 2008 6:06 PM ()
I'd tell you what I think of government employees, in any country, but I'd rather not offend any who are on MyBloggers.
comment by nittineedles on Aug 29, 2008 5:49 PM ()
comment by marta on Aug 29, 2008 1:19 PM ()
Wow your post has it all. Incompetent government employees and corrupt federales. I would think you were still in the U.S. No wait...Mexican immigrants don't get harrassed like that here for fear of the ACLU jumping down the cop's throat for asking for a green card or passport even if they break the law. I'm sorry you have to go thru that for doing a good thing. You better be at the front of the line to the pearly gates.
comment by draco on Aug 29, 2008 11:17 AM ()

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