Yep, that's me. I'm a goat roper. Well, not quite. We went out to the borrego ranch today. (Borregos are a lot like sheep with similar physical and behavioral characteristics.) Did you catch that? It's the psychologist coming out in me. Behavioral characteristics. I cannot believe I even notice the behavior of animals and know how to classify it. I digress.

At one point I was handed a rope and told to try to lasso something, a post, a kid (human) or anything. It took some maneuvering and a couple of right handed errors to realize that I'm a left handed roper. I've always done some things with my right hand and others with my left. When it comes to roping goats, it seems I'm a lefty.
I don't remember lassoing anything, unless you count the post I lassoed from behind unintentionally! At any rate, I've been inspired and I'll probably go buy a length of rope tomorrow at the hardware store. I'll most likely be cast out of the house for my practice sessions. I'm sure the missus wants to keep all her wall trinkets intact.
This one's going under Sports & Recreation: Rodeo. Yehaw!!