A view of the Alps from the plane window

Adrian enjoying an early morning Bacardi and Coke lol

View from my mothers house

My mothers birthday cake I managed to smuggle an entire fruit cake and marzipan and icing through customs lol

From left to right we have my dear friend Beverly my mother me and another friend Jayne

Adrian and Me

Spinalonga the abandoned leper colony

Me at the entrance to the island of Spinalonga and yes I have gained an auful lot of weight.
When we got back from Crete I had to start my new job working for Sainsburys for those of you who are not familier with them they are one of the largest supermarket chains in the UK and I work in the 3rd largest store in the UK however the job sounds more exciting than it actually is I spend most of my day sitting on a checkout and chatting to customers about the weather/holidays etc. But its a job and it pays good money so I cant really complain. As far as knitting goes I have several projects I am working on at the moment a jumper for my gran a cardigan for grandad a baby blanket for my friend who "cant get pregnant" and has managed to get pregnant lol and last but not least I have started my first shawl but have discovered a mistake and am now spending the remainder of my sunday unpicking so I can correct the mistake. Spinning has taken a back seat recently but I am going to make the effort to visit the local WSD (weavers spinners and dyers) group and get some tips on spinning.
In one of the pictures I have written that I have gained weight recently I have managed to gain 8 stone which is 112 Pounds in just over 1 year and the british doctors being oh so amazing had no idea why so i went to see my lovely GP Nicola who sent me for blood tests and it turns out my thryoid has stopped working hence the weight gain so now im taking tablets to supliment the thryoid and hopefully I will start loosing weight again.