One of the Highlights of my Vacation was when DH and Marg took me to Tofino. We started early in the morning and made our way stopping off at different points for me to take pictures and explore.

When we stopped to take pictures I couldn't help but feel really small surrounded by mountains and trees it was a surreal feeling

You can just make me out standing on a rock in the middle of the river it was amazing.
Along the way we stopped off in place called Ucluelet where we had lunch and took some pictures we also went shopping but alas no yarn just some earrings for my aunty.

The Matterson House restaurant where we had lunch they make the most amazing chicken and homemade lemon cheesecake.

After lunch and sightseeing we took a walk along the Pacific rim trail we saw a huge eagle sitting on her nest and I did take some pictures but they are not very clear she was too far away, the ocean was amazing really clear and so beautiful rolling over the rocks

After our walk we made our way to Tofino but first we had to stop off at the beach we stopped at long beach so I could paddle in the Pacific it was a bit cold but I managed it but only with one foot lol

As we were leaving the beach to our astonishment we saw a bear yes a bear how lucky was that it was amazing we had seen amazing scenery and eagle and now to top it all off a bear the first one I had ever seen however I was advised not to try and cuddle it lol.

Well if i died and went to heaven I would have been happy just because I had seen a bear.
It was beginning to get dark now so we headed to Tofino where there was a yarn store called Knits by the sea it was a really nice shop small but well stocked and yes I spent a ridiculous amount of money lol.

I submitted this picture to a knitting magazine called simply knitting and they featured me in there Knits around the world article.
I will add the final part of my Vacation in Canada tomorrow once again im sorry its taken me so long to post and I promise I will tell you why in a later post.