For many years I have found the subject of the Titanic to be bewitching, I have every book that has been published about it and I have seen everything that has ever been shown on T.V.
On Saturday 14th April it will be exactly 100 years since the Titanic struck the iceburg and sank with the loss of over 1500 lives, it was and still is the biggest loss of life ever recorded on a passenger steamer, the survivors stories have always fascinated me in perticular was the story of a lady called Edith Russel who was an american socialite, she returned to her cabin to collect her lucky pig and when she got back to the boat deck all the lifeboats had gone, she then went to the promanade deck where they were lowering a lifeboat and just before it passed the deck a man said to her "get on the boat" to which her reply was "in these skirts you must be joking I would never get over the railing" so the man picked her up and threw her into the boat. I often wonder if men would still be so heroic or would they be more concerned with there own life. I always get a lump in my throat when I think about what must have been going through the minds of people on that night, knowing that you are going to die many faces all now forgotton.
When I visited Southampton several years ago I found the memorial to the Titanic and took some pictures, it was quite sad really that it had fallen into such disrepair.

On mignight of the 14th of April wherever you are I would like to ask you to offer a prayer or a thought to those who were lost that night, and think about those who still sail the ever challenging oceans today.