All that Amazing yarn and yes I did lol.....
I didn't take any pictures of the craft fair for some reason I think I was too busy looking at all the wonderful items on sale.
When we returned home Marg dazzled me with her spinning skills.

The next day we went shopping to Zellers where I stocked up with lots of sweet things to bring home I discovered while I was in Canada a candy called cherry cordials we don't have them in England and if we did I would be huge they are amazing.
The day before I was due to return to the UK Me and Marg went to the local museum about life in Port Alberni it was really interesting especially the native exhibits.

and of course we just happened to find an exhibit with a spinning wheel lol

Unfortunately my time in Port Alberni had come to an end and I had to return to the UK the next morning we left for the ferry terminal at Duke point and we said our goodbyes it was very hard to say goodbye to Marg and DH they had shown me such wonderful hospitality and all the wonderful things Canada has to offer I am truly blessed to know two of the most wonderful people ever and hope that one day I will get to visit them again sooner rather than later and you never know one day I might be showing them around England.

and just one last picture some of the wool I returned home with.