"Can You See What It Is Yet"
Well here you have it Part 2 of the knitting challenge...
***Pattern Starts Here***
Back First Panel
cast on 68 sts using 5.5mm needles and the yarn doubled the same as the front of the pattern.
Rows 1 - 40 *K6, Baby Cable(4sts), K10, Baby Cable(4sts), K20, Baby Cable(4sts), K10, Baby Cable(4sts), K6*.
Row 2 Purl*
Repeat from * to * untill you reach 40 rows. 6.5" (16cm).
Rows 41 - 53 Purl every row.
Row 54 *P11, Cast off 3 sts; repeat from* 3 times, P12.
Row 55 P12, *Cast on 3 sts, P11; repeat from* 3 times,
Purl every row untill you reach row 68, loosely cast off all sts used in previous row.
Back Second Panel<>
Cast on 68 sts using 5.5mm needles and doubled yarn.
Rows 1 - 40 *K6, Baby Cable(4sts), K10, Baby Cable(4sts), K20, Baby Cable(4sts), K10, Baby Cable(4sts), K6*.
Row 2 Purl.
Repeat these 2 rows untill you have done 40 rows 6.5" (16cm).
Rows 41 - 61 Purl every row untill 61 rows have been done cast off all sts loosely.
To Make Up
Firstly, weave in all loose ends into the back of the work using a tapestry needle.
Gently steam all pieces.
Pin together the wrong sides, overlapping the 2 back pieces.
Rather than being sewn the pieces are crocheted together. Using the 3.5mm crochet hook and 1 strand of yarn, begin with a slip knot on your hook and work with the two (or three) pieces of knitting placed wrong sides together. Insert the hook up through the layers of fabric and and through the loop on the crochet hook then 1DC and repeat. work all the way round the edges and work into one stitch 3 times at each corner. once finished work a second round of crochet and fasten off. Steam all edges and attack buttons.
I hope you all enjoy this challenge and I am looking forward to seeing the results.