Originally I was going to post this for nittineedles only but if anyone wants to have a go please feel free......
Your Mission should you choose to accept is as follows....
To knit this pattern without any pictures or assistance from me call it if you will a mystery knitting pattern, once it is complete I would like you to post a reply with a picture of what you have knitted. The first person to complete and post a reply gets to set the next mystery pattern ok shall we continue.............
Pattern Info
You will need 4x100g balls of DK in any color go wild.
1 pair 5.50mm needles
1 3.5mm crochet hook
4x 1" buttons.
C4B = Cable 4 Back - Slip next 2 sts onto cable needle and hold at back of work knit next 2 sts then knit 2 sts from cable needle.
C4F = Cable 4 Front - Slip next 2 sts onto cable needle and hold at front of work Knit next 2 Sts then Knit 2 sts from cable needle.
C4FP/K = Cable 4 Front Purl/Knit - Slip 2 sts onto cable needle and hold at front of work, Purl 2, Then Knit 2 from cable needle.
C4BK/P = Cable 4 Back Knit/Purl - Slip 2 sts onto cable needle and hold at back of work Knit 2, Then Purl 2 from cable needle.
C2B = Cable 2 Back - Slip next st onto cable needle and hold at back of work Knit next st then Knit st from cable needle.
C2F = Cable 2 Front - Slip next st onto cable needle and hold at front of work Knit next st then Knit st from cable needle.
Stitch Patterns
Pattern One - Rib Cable,
(16 sts by 24 Rows)
Row 1 (RS) *C4FP/K, C4bK/P; rep from* once.
Row 2 K2, P4, K4, P4, K2.
Row 3 P2, K4, P4, K4, P2.
Row 4 Rep Row 2.
Row 5 P2, C4F, P4 C4F, P2.
Row 6 Rep Row 2.
Row 7 *C4BK/P, C4FP/K; Rep from* Once.
Row 8 P2, K4, P4, K4, P2.
Row 9 K2, P4, C4F, P4, K2.
Row 10 Rep Row 8.
Row 11 Rep Row 2.
Row 12 Rep Row 8.
Row 13 Rep Row 9.
Row 14 Rep Row 8.
Row 15 Rep Row 2.
Row 16 Rep Row 8.
Row 17 Rep Row 9.
Row 18 Rep Row 8.
Row 19 to 24 Rep Rows 1 to 6
Pattern Two - Honeycomb Cable
(16 sts by 12 Rows)
Row 1 (RS) *C4B, C4F; Rep from* once.
Row 2 Purl.
Row 3 Knit.
Row 4 Purl.
Row 5 *C4F, C4B; Rep from* once.
Row 6 Purl.
Row 7 Knit.
Row 8 Purl.
Row 9 Rep Row 1.
Rows 10-12 Rep Rows 6 to 8.
Pattern Three - Baby Honeycomb Cable
(16sts by 4 rows)
Row 1 (RS) *C4B, C4F; Rep from* Once.
Row 2 Purl.
Row 3 Knit.
Row 4 Purl.
Pattern Four - Moss Stitch
(4sts by 2 rows)
Row 1 K1, P1, K1, P1.
Row 2 P1, K1, P1, K1.
Pattern Five - Baby Cable
(4sts by 2 rows)
Row 1 C2B, C2F.
Row 2 Purl
Cast on 72 sts using 5.5mm needles and the yarn doubled throughout the entire pattern.
Row 1 - (RS) *K6, Baby Cable(4sts), K10, Baby Cable(4sts), Moss Stitch(4sts), Honeycomb Cable(16sts), Moss Stitch(4sts), Baby Cable(4sts), K10, Baby Cable(4sts), K6*.
Row 1 sets the pattern for the patterns used throughout the front. Continue with these patterns untill you have completed 12 Rows.
Rows 13 - 36 (RS) Continue the pattern used in rows 1-12, however instead of using the HONEYCOMB CABLE (pattern2), Change to the RIB CABLE (pattern1).
Rows 37 - 40 (RS) Continue the pattern using the first 4 Rows of the pattern.
Rows 41 - 64 Repeat rows 13 to 36.
Rows 65 - 68 Repeat rows 37 to 40.
Rows 69 - 92 Repeat rows 13 to 36.
Rows 93 - 104 Repeat Rows 1 to 12.
Row 105 - K6, Baby Cable(4sts), K10, Baby Cable(4sts), Moss Stitch (4sts), Knit the 5th row of the HONEYCOMB CABLE(pattern2, 16 sts), Moss Stitch(4sts), Baby Cable(4sts), K10, Baby Cable(4sts), K6.
Loosley, cast off all stitches in the pattern used in the previous row.
Part 2 Coming soon...............