Michael Shepherd


Michael Shepherd
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Life & Events > What's Happened to Britain????????

What's Happened to Britain????????

Well i want to start this blog by telling you what happened today but i might have to digress and explain some things so bare with me.

Well hmmmm we have a rather large garden well large by English standards not by American standards and to the front we had 2 large trees which we decided to cut down today so to make room for my new vegetable plot, so far so good well rather than take all the rubbish to landfill we decided to have a moderate sized bonfire and we let all the neighbors know what we were doing which is only fair well the fire gets going and we are nearly finished and then one person comes to complain so i said politely "I'm sorry but its nearly finished" and he continues ranting about the smell which to be honest we do live in a little country village where they always burn rubbish on the fields and in gardens and most of the houses around us have coal fires anyway im digressing so he goes away and the lady opposite us who thinks shes better than anyone comes and tells me her house smells of smoke so my reply was "you can see we got a bonfire close your windows" so she goes away and then i see her sneaking across to the house next door and then the man comes out again now both of them are shouting abuse at me and calling me names so i kinda get a bit annoyed and start hurling abuse back the usual expletives which i don't normally use but when someone is poking there nose into my business and calling me the names they were i have been known to use some horrid language myself so they guy says he knew nothing about the fire hmmmm considering his wife and son were talking to me when i lit the fire and stood around talking to me for an hour while it burnt then the guy called me a numpty which is as bad as calling someone a pedophile so at that point i went in the house or else i would have hit him with a spade so they keep ranting and bringing buckets of water to throw over the fence to put it out and then came the comment i was all ready and waiting for "this is a smokeless zone and I'm going to telephone the council" well that's it i launch into full legislation mode and my reply to that was "this is actually a smoke control area not a smokeless zone and the regulations do not apply to bonfires emitting white smoke" but they still don't believe me so here judge for yourselves this is what the city of york council website has to say on the matter...

Smoke Control Areas:
Certain areas of York have been designated smoke control areas. This means that all buildings in these areas must only use authorized fuels in any working fireplace unless the fireplace has been exempted.

A map of the smoke control areas within York can be downloaded to the right of the screen. We also have a leaflet available on smoke control areas which can also be downloaded. You can check if your property falls within the smoke control area using our online maps (Local View).

Please note that the restrictions within smoke control areas do not apply to bonfires.

HAHAHAHAHA i was right she was wrong it also states they can only respond to complaints if they are on commercial or industrial property and only if the smoke is dark in colour

but tonight had got me wondering what has happened to the country i know and love the country that looked after people rather than forcing them into poverty who has the right to Tell you what you can and cannot do on your own property why should we fight wars that are not our own i own the land and everything within the boundaries of my property and as long as what i do is legal and not affecting other people directly what gives someone the right to come onto my land and tell me i must do/do not do something as far as im concerned the world is becoming too obsessed with health and safety and taking people to court over stupid petty things people have forgotten how to live a true and happy life this may sound un patriotic but is there a country worth protecting and defending anymore??

i apologies for the length of my post but i really had to get it off my chest..

posted on Apr 26, 2009 3:40 PM ()

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