**Whoever reads this, consider yourself tagged!
A - Age: 25 Physically 60 Mentally
B - Bed size: Single
C - Chore you hate: I'm a domestic goddess I love Cleaning
D - Dogs' names: Bertie, Buttons and Nancy
E - Essential start your day item: Valium and Tea
F - Favorite color: Purple
G - Gold or Silver: Yellow Gold. Tip if your going to wear white gold just wear silver and tell people its white gold its cheaper and they cant tell the difference lol
H - Height: 5' 10"
I - Instruments you play(ed): Piano, Clarinet, Marimba, Trumpet
J - Job title: Registered Charge Nurse
K - Kid(s): Vile evil things i hate children and i think there are enough problems in the world without me reproducing
L - Living arrangements: I live with my partner Adrian at his parents house
M - Mom's name: Julie Patrice Shepherd
N - Nicknames: Billy or Bunny
O - Overnight hospital stay other than birth: Appendix, Wisdom Teeth, Laprotomy, Gastrointestinal endoscopy and bi lateral gynecomastia also many hundreds of night shifts lol
P - Pet Peeve: People who don't mind there own business/do gooders and bad table manners
Q - Quote from a movie: "Hey laser lips your momma was a snow blower"
R - Right or left handed: Left (much to the disgust of my teachers at catholic school)
S - Siblings: Only Child
T - Time you wake up: Between 09:30 - 11:00am
U- Underwear: I'm going to be totally honest i wear tight boxers and support stockings for my varicose veins
V - Vegetable you dislike: Broccoli
W - Ways you run late: When the buses are late lol i don't drive.
X - X-rays you've had: Left/Right Arm and Leg, Chest, Spine, Scull, All fingers and All toes
Y - Yummy food you make: Stew and Home Baked pies and cakes especially my dark rum fruit cake
Z - Zoo favorite: Elephants