1. Uncle who has had cancer for 26 years has had a massive relapse and has been told he can no longer have treatment he lives in Holland and has decided to end his life when the time comes we have never been close but I feel so bad I really want to do something but there is nothing I can do, the nurse part of me believes this is wrong and he shouldnt end his life but the human part of me thinks hell yes its his life and why should he suffer?.
2. Another uncle who is currently undergoing tests to find out if he has cancer.
3. I have just spent a few days with my grandparents at St James hospital in Leeds where my grandad has had to have most of his penis removed because of penile cancer. This is a rare form of cancer and there are only around 600 cases diognosed world wide each year. I have a very close relationship with my grandad hs has been a father to me and the only real father I have known, my mother and father divorced in 1993 and I went to live with my grandparents who raised me as one of there own my real father died 3 years ago and we had just started to build our relationship back up when he died and now with my grandad it is like loosing my father all over again.
4. Still unemployed which is kind of my own fault really I have become really disinterested with nursing completly I dont think I will ever return to nursing due to the fact your not allowed to nurse anymore I signed up to get my hands dirty not fill in risk assesments and paper work all day and be "to posh to wash", my aunty thinks I should open my own knitting shop which is something I am seriously considering just need to know what to do to start up.
5. The car has decided to have a hissy fit and break down we have only had the car 4 months and already it needs 4 new shocks, break pipes, break discs and pads, new tyre and window wipers so Adrian is not to happy about this.
6. I am begining to have big problems with my hip and my health in general, I had a bad fall about 6 years ago and broke my hip and every year in the winter I get a lot of pain and this year has been the worse so far my doctor thinks I may be due a replacement add that to the arthritis asthma and cronic depression and there is not much going for me at the moment lol
Well thats enough moaning now onto something more positive I received a parcel yesterday a few weeks ago I managed to sell my knitting machines so I could afford to buy a new spinning wheel and thought I might share a couple of pictures........

My new Ashford Traveller Spinning Wheel Woooooooooooo

As you can see I have already customised it I have named it Twinkle hence all the stars

My Niddy Noddy and the first 2 skeins of "yarn" I have produced well I say yarn it is more like a long piece of cotton wool lol I am going to invest in some lessons when I can find a teacher and then there will be no stopping me lol.
Well its getting late I'm going to finish my cup of tea and then to bed me thinks.
Have fun,