Today its Monday again, that also means back to work again. I don't hate work, let me be clear, but last week off was just a little too short.
The last Friday I worked I made a list of things to do on this Monday and right now, writing this little post at 4.30 pm (half an hour before leaving home) I must admit I wasn't able to get my whole list done (about 75% is finished and yes I know I write this in bosses time so perhaps could have done more then 75%).
What still keeps me busy is Martin's birthday. Man o man that guy is so busy. I started trying to phone him on "the big day" but not succeeded. Everytime I tried I heard the answering machine. I tried it early ( I know he usually is awake round 11 am, but tried it earlier). I tried it later and I tried it at night. Problem is there is a time difference of 6 hours ( I am six hours ahead).
I tried calling him Saturday and Sunday as well, but last night his phone was busy all the time, so I guess he was online, posting the part 1 till 4 posts of his Birthday.
I could say to myself, stop trying and I also know of myself that a call is difficult for me cause of my bad English. Still something inside me says I need to call him so I will try later today again.
I only can hope Martin had a great birthday and reading his last posts i think he really had a good day.
Cause its my boss' time I need to do it short today ;)), so lets say: I wont bore you anymore, till later!
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