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Life & Events > And Whats Keeping Me Busy Now

And Whats Keeping Me Busy Now

After all the busy things last weeks I actually expected some weeks of calmness, some time to get new energy, not too busy things to deal with.
Well at work it goes as expected (till yesterday) but at home its as busy as it usually is. When something is done another thing appears to be done.
My wife wants, already for quite some time, a new part build at our home. We have a house in a row (that is usual here btw) with a livingroom in wich we also have a socalled "open kitchen". The kitchen is situated on the backside of our house. The part where we sit, watch tv and relax and so is situated on the front side. I like that very much cause, curious as I am, I like to see all things that happen in our street. (Our street is rather busy cause of a little shopping mall in the end of it). My wife already wants for a long time that we move the kitchen to the front side and the "relaxing space" to the back side where she also wants an expansion of the living room. I always rejected the kitchen in the front but finally agreed to it about 2 months ago. We asked a construction firm for an offer. That offer we received last week. It will cost me about 55,000 euro (about 80000 dollar). Problem now is that we need to ask for an offer for a new mortgage, cause I dont have that amount of money (contributions always are welcome btw). All kind of things need to be arranged and that also was a thing which made me reject the idea of expansion for a long time. Well to make a long story short: next wednesday someone will come to talk to us about the possibilities. I didnt even mention the fact that we also will have to buy a new kitchen cause the old one surely will not fit on the front side.
When we arranged the money we can say yes to the offer and that will mean that round the end of October our house will be enlarged. It probably will be very messy for some weeks (another thing I dont like). I know, why am I complaining because, after all, its just a luxury problem. Its just not my kind of thing, renovations. Will keep you informed.

posted on May 29, 2008 7:36 AM ()


Well, I'm getting out my checkbook. How much do you need? Oh, wait! I can't add that many places on the left of the decimal point!

Being a woman...yeah, I am...I'd probably want a change, too, if it was possible. So, I understand your wife completely.

When all is done, you'll be comfy, too, I just know it.
comment by donnamarie on May 29, 2008 6:21 PM ()
That is cool. The money is a little scary, but I bet it will be beautiful when it is done.
comment by lunarhunk on May 29, 2008 12:59 PM ()
Go along with Martin.Not satisfy with what you got.
Get a new oriental rug for the living room and your all set.
A good thing that you haven't seen ours.
The woman will do it all of the time.
Honey,we need some work done here.
Say,no money dear.Oh!what do I know.
have fun
comment by fredo on May 29, 2008 10:22 AM ()
I would just get a new house!!!!
comment by greatmartin on May 29, 2008 10:17 AM ()

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