A week ago on Tuesday my son came down asking if there was something wrong with his face. His mouth looked weird and so did his left eye. He also told us there was not much taste on his tongue. We told him to make an appointment with the doctor. Wednesday morning he was able to come there (wasnt possible anymore on Tuesday :( )
His mouth was a bit more worse then on Tuesday and looked paralyzed.
After the doctors visit he came home with the announcement he has "Bells palsy" that's a kind of paralyzed half face. When he smiles only one half of his face shows a smile the other half stays flat. He also wasnt able to close his eye completely. He is a guy who really goes for his looks so its very hard for him experiencing this. Its a weird look and there is no medication for it. In 80-90 % of the cases it will disappear in 3 weeks to 3 months but the other 10% will keep the paralyzed face. He is (so far) not afraid he will belong to the 10% but its keeping him busy a lot. Facing friends is hard for him also he needs to explain everytime and that makes him a bit moody. Last night he told me its improving a bit so that gives some hope.
Some friends here really were concerned and I appreciate their support a lot.
Last weekend my wife and I went out to stay in Utrecht with our "dining-club". We stayed in a nice hotel in the centre of the city. Utrecht is a great place to stay I must admit. Specially the canals are nice to see with all kind of restaurants and terraces. We made several walking tours and saw a lot of the ancient buildings and churches.
Saturday night we had a great dinner, after all its a dining club lol (for Martin: starter with carpaccio, main dish peppersteak with vegetables and baked potatoes, dessert contained a huge icecream with strawberry and strawberry sauce), Sunday we made a boat tour through the canals and even did some shopping as well.

At 4 o clock we planned to drive home again. Pity parking is so very expensive ( we needed to pay 12 euro for 2 days cause we parked 5 minutes from hotel but our friends parked next to the hotel and had to pay 35 euro (almost 50 dollar).
Well it was a good weekend and cause we ( the dining club) pay monthly an amount it wasnt an expensive weekend at all. It only costed our hotel (83 euro). Rest was payed by our savings.