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Life & Events > As I Said Busy Busy Busy

As I Said Busy Busy Busy

Finally able to write some words. Since my last post I only was able to read my friends blogs here and made a few comments. Most of you know I only write my blogs in my breaks at work but last weeks I was totally busy with an audit which took place last week.
The inspector of education (federal) visited our school last week. Its always a stressy thing what will take place, because when the audit is negative schools need to improve things for the coming year and that brings so much time to do that.
I am responsible for a lot of commercial/economic/catering courses and every year the inspector send us a sample taken at random of about 5 courses. This year 4, because our last audit was excellent. This year however it all were new courses with new exams and new regulations. I must admit very heavy regulations. We need to proof our exams are valid, solid (reliable)and transparent (meaning that students exactly need to know what we expect from them).
Well 3 courses succeeded but one failed. We already were afraid for this result. Its a course we did once and never will do again so there will be no consequences. Its a course for students who want to become catering-assistent. Because the level of that course is so low we get students not able to do anything at all. Its meant for students who mostly dropped out of regular education and now just want a certificate of no matter waht course as long as it is a certificate lol. Not the most motivated students.

I also wrote (about 1.5 year ago already) that I took over the job of a colleague. We actually changed jobs and I had a lot of mixed feelings then. Well, because he got payed for a teacher, my manager decided that he need to teach as well then. So, since august he changed his work into more teaching and also some desk work as a "practicum-coordinator". I hope he will feel well in that job. (Must admit our relationship has become to a level of just saying hi and bye, cause he blames me a bit for no reason). That also included we had to take someone new for the work my colleague used to do. We found a nice woman for that job but it also meant I needed to train her in all things about the exam-office and that too takes a lot of time. In short its busy lately, specially when all these things come together in just a few weeks.
I only can hope i will be able to blog a bit more regular again. Just will do my best and be sure I will keep reading blogs as well off course.

posted on Sept 24, 2009 5:50 AM ()

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