I got this from AJ. It seemed fun, and it has been a long time since I have done a meme
Type only ONE word answers
It's harder than you think!! Here is what you are supposed to do...and please don't spoil the fun...copy and paste into your own note, type in your answers and tag a bunch of people - including me.
Your hair...................................... grey grey grey
Where is your cell phone..................... in jeans pocket
Your father.....................................died
Your favorite thing............................pc
Your dream last night.........................sweet
Your favorite drink............................fanta
Your dream/goal...............................success
The room you are in...........................working room
Your fear........................................failure
Where do you want to be in 6 years........in same situation like now
One of your wish list items....................trip to USA
Where you grew up............................Haarlem
The last thing you did..........................typed
What are you wearing.........................jeans/shirt
Your TV..........................................Grey's
Your pets........................................cat
Your computer..................................Acer
Your life.........................................busy
Your mood......................................in love
Missing someone...............................dad
Your car.........................................Kia C'eed
Favorite store..................................PC-store
Your summer....................................warm
Your favorite color.............................blue
When is the last time you laughed...........coffee-break
Last time you cried.............................movie
Three people who email me.................. Martin, Leslie, Bruno
Three of my favorite foods.................. chinese, pasta, hot dog
Three places I would rather be right now...portugal, amsterdam city, florida
Three people I think will respond.............AJ, Donna, Bruno