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Life & Events > A Post Meant to Be a Totally Different One Lol

A Post Meant to Be a Totally Different One Lol

I, now, already work for two weeks after my vacation and I can say that its almost like I never have been away. The daily rhythm is already so common.... (btw I don't hate it I only wonder why you are so quickly used to all things again)
I also am able to keep reading blogs again and that feels good too. I added some new friends and yes, removed some too (not here but on mybloggers). I had some problems on mybloggers with the subscriptions but that is fixed again. Being busy with updating my friends list I started thinking about my first shy steps here on blogster. It was January 2006 I started writing on Blogster, cause a good friend of mine invited me. One of the first friends I added there was Martin. There always have been a nice and friendly relationship between the two of us. He was one of the first I explained about my situation and , in those days, we even discussed a lot about that on yahoo with instant messaging. He always had some good advice (although I wasnt able to follow them all lol) and I can say (perhaps Martin thinks totally different) he became a good (e-) friend. Today I noticed a post of Martin in which he congratulates Chris with his birthday and that also is a reason writing this post. In the days I started blogging here (under a different name btw lol) Chris also was one I added pretty soon. Both Martin and Chris wrote a lot about there personal thoughts and private things. Since 2006 a lot has changed. Chris' personal life changed a lot, Martin had a big surgery last year, both things that kept me busy a lot.
I wrote several times about the meaning of e-friends. A few of my blogster/mybloggers friends mean a lot to me. To Martin , Dale and Aaron I always can rely on their opinions when I want to talk about personal issues. They always listen and always will try to give advice. With Aaron and Dale I also chat now and then on yahoo. It feels so good I always can discuss with them any subject I want to talk about. Even my deepest thoughts I can discuss with them. That is a thing btw what is possible cause of the internet. The anonymity of the internet makes you more open to someone then in real life.
In difficult periods these three were a listening ear and they always supported me with my own personal stuff I had to deal with.
Blogster, but MyBloggers too, also made it possible to write about serious personal things that are bothering me (some theing I even never talked or wrote about before). I don't want to sound too emotional, but I can say that the support of guys like Aaron, Martin, Dale and James means really a lot to me. Although I only know them by the net I can say I consider them as good friends (would be nice to hear their voices once btw)

This post was meant as one on which I try to explain how difficult it is to contact some (well actually one in particular) e-friends by phone. Every month (lol) I just try to call Martin. We don't talk much about deep subjects, but its always good hearing his voice and I just want to know how he is doing. For some reason I am just not able to get him on the phone since I came back home from France. Cause of my home-situation I cant call him everytime I want and that makes it difficult to reach him. I tried it about 12 times last 2 weeks but its the same everytime. I get his answering machine or his phone is busy (which means that he is online, so stay busy for a while as well lol). So Martin, sorry I am not able to succeed in contacting you. For some reason it isn't allowed perhaps lol. (why not taking broadband when you spent so much time on the net? I dont know how expensive it is but perhaps its worth the money...kidding)

Take care you all! A lot of you are very special for me!

posted on Aug 28, 2009 7:06 AM ()

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