Lately I had some probs with my picture gallery. I wrote a message to Eddie and thought it was solved. You are not supposed to use strange characters like @#- and so. Well i checked my pics and edited. After opening of my pics still the same was happening. I have 21 pics but just 15 were shown. I tried it with another blogsite here and noticed the same (used doesn't pics cause he also has about 20 pics there). Also just about 15 pics were shown. So I send another message to Eddie. The gallery doesn't have a maximum of pics. He wrote me he will check things.
I just notice that all my pics can be seen again... If that is caused by Eddie I don't know but if so: Eddie thx!
Last days btw weren't very interesting. I went to school again and, like every year, you are back to normal very quickly again. Holidays look like ages ago again. Well Autumn break will be there in 9 weeks again lol.
I read Martin's post and was a bit less worried again. He knows I was concerned about him, I even made a silly mistake. I called him last night but got the answering machine. Later I received a mail from him telling how he was doing. Then I made the stupid mistake of texting him to thank him for the info... silly me cause he doesnt have a cell-phone lol. Well as he replied by mail: its the thought that counts.
Last night I even watched a Disney movie: Alladin. I never had watched it before and must admit I even liked it lol.
Life is going back to normal again. I will miss my days off but there is work to do as well. I don't hate that but just need to get used to it again.
Finally I want to tell you all I regret it that Clovis stopped posting here. I always enjoyed reading his posts and also his comments. I hope we can keep in touch with eachother, cause he is a good guy and had good advices.
Catch you later again
I hope you've gotten rather settled in again at work. It does take a little adjusting, but I'm sure you're pretty used to that by now.