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Life & Events > Meetings Meetings Meetings

Meetings Meetings Meetings

Quite a busy week to come so lets write a bit I thought. Last week was a a weird one.
Because my subscription ended I needed to take a new subscription for my cell phone. Last year I tried several times to migrate from Orange to T-mobile (T-mobile took over Orange Netherlands) but it didn't succeed at all so I kept all things as they were and stayed at Orange. The T-mobile helpdesk promised me to help but I never heard from then again.
A few weeks ago they contacted me to inform me about new possibilities. I complained about last year and they sent me their excuses. Well I said I would give it a final try then.
They offered me a new cellphone and subscription and about 10 days ago it was delivered.
Its a nice model (nokia N79) and works ok. In 3 days I need to put in the new sim-card cause that will be the migration date ( and there it went wrong last year) so I am curious if all will go as they promised. For now I still use the Orange sim-card.

Last weekend my middlest son celebrated his birthday. Because of the rebuilding here I was a bit afraid about it but all went well, except the fact that my son was too drunk (grrrr I hate that). He argued with his girlfriend and she wasnt having a fine party. Thx god they talked things over last Sunday and all is ok again. He made excuses both to his girlfriend and to us. I think he really understood he was wrong, so I hope he learned from it lol.

This week at work is a terrible one, only today is normal. Yesterday it was a day full of meetings. Its rather busy with planning the next schoolyear and a lot of consultations with managers is needed. Next Thursday (and Thursday next week) we will have our so called "planning-days" to make all things ok for next week. To be able to do that a lot of difficulties need to be solved. Here the budget was decreased as well so a lot of temporary colleagues arent able to continue their jobs. Difficult decisions have to be made.
Wednesday and Friday both are days I have to participate in regional exam-commisions, so its a rather "meeting-filled" week. For all meetings a lot of preparations need to be done so its keeping me busy.

I am starting to look out for the end of April when we will go abroad for 7 days. We will leave for England to visit Yorkshire, a region I never was before. It makes it possible to relax a lot but it also will mean I wont be able to talk with my dear friend in Portugal. Will miss him much.

posted on Mar 31, 2009 6:55 AM ()

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