Since 3 weeks Prison Break is on TV again in USA. Here we always are behind so I try to get it every Tuesday to be able to watch it later in the week when the subtitles are available in Dutch (usually Wednesday or Thursday). But since last Monday I noticed also Heroes began again. How will I manage to watch that too during my "busy" week. I am not a real TV-addict but there are some shows I really want to see. Prison break and Heroes are on that list. Here in Holland we finally are able to watch the final season of "six feet under" so that also means an hour per week watching. I don't know why we had to wait that long, its just a show not many people here in Holland watch it as it is broadcasted rather late in the evening (really sad because its such a good show).
So, last Monday a new episode of PB, a double episode of Heroes and a episode of Six feet under. When do I have to watch that all?
Next Sunday we will have a kind of reunion. I used to sing in a "close-harmony" group about 28 years ago. We always sang with just 12 people. It really was difficult sometimes. I entered that group cause I liked singing very much. The only part I didn't like about it was that it was rather a religious group and that is just "not my thing" , however educated catholic once. I prefer just believing in people. I look forward to see some old friends next Sunday, but there are also some , so-called former friends, which whom I don't have much to share with. The ones that organised it felt it necessary to start the reunion at about 11 AM and they want to last it till 9 PM. In my opinion a bit (well a huge bit...) too long. I am not really a person who loves these kinds of reunions. Persons change a lot in 28 years. Are there many things I still want to share with them..... I don't know.
Already received a mail in which was asked for pics of the kids and so. Do I want to see pics of persons I haven't met for so many years??? Will I ever see those kids in person? Will I be really interested in them??
Also in that mail was said to bring with us "lots of good moods" these phrases always scare me a bit.... (or do I sound too negative now?)
Anyway, as I said, I really look forward to see some old friends and that is the main thing why we will visit the reunion.