It has been a nice weekend again. There are things that really keeps me busy. There is the rebuilding which is, as good as, finished. Just some little things to do. Well little....
I thought painting the window frames should be an easy task.....
Because the latches were getting a bit old and didn't look very nice anymore, we decided to buy some new ones. Quite expansive I must admit, but with new painted frames its allowed I think. Before painting the last time I removed the old ones. Then I painted the frames and then I needed to wait a bit till the paint had dried enough. Well that was a problem. The drying process took so long.... (The can of paint told 4 hours but after 8 hours all still was sticky and wet). So I wasnt able to attach them to the frame, cause some drilling was needed and the dust of drilling would harm the fresh paint. I had opened the window to let it dry better but inside it became very cold... brrr. We decided to let the window open during the night and this morning it was dry finally so I will be able.......
Last Saturday we have been busy making an picture albums of the birthday of my father in law. Well I said we but actually my wife did (for the first time). The software we use is very easy so it was no problem to make one. There are a lot of picture we have that are nice to get them in a album.
Later that evening my neighbor came by to visit us. Its been a year and a half now since his wife died. He still is too shy to ask us for a visit so now and then we just invite him. He lives quite alone with not much friends going by so these kind of nights always feel good for him.
He left round 12.30 AM. Because I always go to bed late I chatted quite some time with Bruno. I just want to mention what a great guy he is. It feels good to share a lot of same thoughts and feelings.
Sunday after the usual visit to my wife's dad I started painting and that kept me busy the rest of the day. I had no feelings for cooking so we went out for dinner. (for Martin: entree of baked mushrooms, with baked onions and baked ham on toast. Main course together with my wife: Chateau Briand with a sweet pepper sauce, accompanied with fried potatoes, fresh vegetables and French fries. No desert was needed , we already ate too much)
Once home again we just watched some tv. My wife, an early sleeper, left for bed and I had some deep thoughts with Bruno online. I went to bed too late (again)but it was worth it.