Finally some time to write a bit here. Not much happened last week till now. I didn't do any exciting things, just the normal way of life. At work things are busy and for some colleagues a bit difficult. Here too money is the problem. My school needs to reduce the costs and expenses a lot. The most expensive thing we have is personnel and the only thing to reduce costs is to fire people. There are colleagues who just started last august and have a contract on temporarily base. Well those contract will not be renewed next year. It also involves colleagues I deal with a lot and that doesn't feel well. They still don't know it and I sometimes hope for a little miracle.
Also been to theatre again last week. It was a kind of stand up comedian with a real good show about the modern things of life nowadays.
Because of the shortage of real sun we (wife and me) bought a new subscription for a tanning centre some weeks ago and I must admit it feels nice to experience yourself like you are sunbathing mmmmm feels so good and gives a nice color as well. I know it isn't the best thing for the skin but I like it very much. It always makes me daydream about all nice things of life, including the things i keep for myself..... well you know what i mean.
Last week Grey's anatomy has started again here with the latest season (already known in USA) and I must admit I still like it a lot.
The weekend always passes so quick. Friday night to tanning centre, Saturday the usual housekeeping things like vacuum cleaning, visiting soccer of my sons and at night we visited our neighbor. He asked us some weeks ago cause we have not been there for almost 2 years ( he did visited us several times but he never invited us back, he is still not used of being alone since his wife died almost 2 years ago). Sunday always is social visiting my father in law and once home my mother called if it was ok to visit us. Well, I had not seen here for a few weeks so it was nice she would visit us (instead we visit her, what is common). I actually was busy with the taxes but they can wait....
I wont start talking about my feelings. In that nothing has changed. I cherish the great moments we had and it still feels so comfortable talking to him. Wish more was possible but .......
TC, I will keep you informed