Its hard to say but I will not much online coming days. Wednesday night I noticed there was no internet connection possible. I checked everything, but I couldn't solve the problem. I called my ISP yesterday morning (from work) but the helpdesk needed me behind my pc, to see if things were doing better. So I had to call them again when home. Well problem is my modem. It seems that its not working correct anymore. The will deliver me a new one for free, only problem it will last 2 till 5 working days. I suppose it will be 5 then (no luck here usually).
Till then I will be online occasionally with dial up. Martin, I know now again what it is to do dial up for internet. I guess I am too much spoiled here with broadband.
So, I will read but comment not as much as I use to do, cause its so slow slow slow slow.....
for a new modem.I was charged on the second one that I had.
Different stroke for different people.