I was talking about this with a certain friend and just want to have your opinion as well.
Men are aware of the way they look like more and more. 40 years ago all men looked almost the same but nowadays men give attention to their appearance more and more.
What do you think of wearing beards? There are all kind of beards available, but I mean being smooth, being not shaved for several days or being not shaved for more then a week but with the intention to get shaved soon.
For all things there is something to say. I like them all as well by the way but all with different thoughts. Perhaps its weird to say that right now right here but last night someone made me wonder about it. Why do I like all 3 situations lol?
I tried to explain it to him and will do here as well. It depends on the person who wears the beard i must admit. Some guys look great with a beard some look great without one I must admit. And there are some I like to watch with all 3 possibilities mentioned above.
Being smooth always gives persons an "innocent" look I noticed. It looks fresh and hygienic (doesnt mean other views arent hygienic btw).
Wearing a 3 days beard gives something sexy to someones appearance. You all know the George Michael look well ... that is the look I mean (not fond of George M. btw but just mentioning him as an example). There is a guy I know who really have great effects on me when I see him with a 3 days old one.
A beard of more then a week to me always looks like a rough guy. I wont mention what effect these beards have on me but it gives a nice feeling I must say.
So all 3 kind of beards give effects on me and I was wondering am I the only one who think that way?
btw beards longer then 1 day dont suit me....