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Life & Events > Last 2.5 Weeks

Last 2.5 Weeks

Its already half May and i had a little vacation cause of Queens day (april 30) and memorial/liberty day (may 4/5).
Every year we celebrate the queens birthday on April 30 and most of the country is off for that day. Last 10 years more and more orange (our national colour cause the queens last name is "van Oranje Nassau" ) is seen on the streets.
The queen always visits 2 cities in a certain region. Last year there was some kind of attempt towards the royal family on queens day so a lot of security was there this year. Pity the weather was a bit rainy in the early morning but, as usual, it was a nice day off again. My wife and I went to Amsterdam centre where there was a lot to do in the streets. Ending this day with a nice dinner in a Greek restaurant made it quite complete.
May 4 every year we remember the ones who died in WW II and in all wars and peacemissions since then. In Amsterdam centre the queen will place a wreath in front of the statue on Dam square. At 8 pm the whole country is quiet for 2 minutes. This year there was suddenly panic on Dam square cause some lunatic started screaming during the 2 minutes. Because all what happened last year there was chaos, the queen and her son were lead away by security suddenly and there were about 60 injured cause of the panic. Perhaps it was on the news.....
Cause of 65 years of freedom there was a liberation concert given in the concert hall here. It was a nice performance with a lot of songs from the period 1945 till 1950.

We also had decided to leave for a few days to Texel, a little isle in the "waddenzee" north of my country. Seen a lot of nice parts of nature, made some bicycle tours and had some nice dinners out (ok for Martin: peppersteak (rare for me) on day 1, sate with peanutsauce on day 2).
Decorating my sons bedroom was scheduled as well this period so.... daddy did some great things with wallpaper and paint....lol omg I do hate these things but they just need to be done now and then.

Since last Monday at work again. The end of the schoolyear is coming so its gonna be busy again. I dont hate that I must admit but i always regret I cant be online here that often. (Although I dont write much I try to keep up with all your posts btw).

It always feels good sharing thoughts with the ones I care about here and already know for quite some time now. With some of you there always is something "extra" dunno how to call it.
Therefore its nice to be able to contact them now and then on FB as well. Although some are far far away in real, the internet makes it possible to have a close feeling towards them. And, must admit, with Martin there always is "something" special. Its always nice to hear his friendly voice in the little phonecalls we have now and then...

Finally i want to add a nice song ( my opinion) off which i like the lyrics very well. I know its just another love song but it gives special feelings here.....

posted on May 20, 2010 2:53 AM ()

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