Honey Bugg


Honey Bugg
Duncan Falls, OH


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Life & Events > 25 Things ... .Via Brian and Aj

25 Things ... .Via Brian and Aj

What is your favorite food?  Wendy's cheeseburgers, cheesecake
Do you ever watch  "Cash Cab"?   yeah all the time. I love it and usually get most of the questions right.
What do you think of Drew Carey as the new host of "The Price Is Right"?  I think he sucks for air.  He should go back to Cleavland and get his old job back at the department store.
 When it's really warm do you ever walk around the house naked?  No, but I sleep that way sometimes when its unbearably hot at night. Now all of you have that mental picture...mwaaa ah ah.
Are you a coffee drinker?  In the morning
 Do you like reality shows?  No...they are the biggest waste of film on television today.  Right up there with late night info-mercials and anything on Fox News.
Enjoy being scared?  used to when I was a kid, but not now.  Too old.
 Of all the cities you have traveled, what is your favorite?  Washington, D.C.  It's where all the action is politically and there is so much history to view.
Do you like to dance?  see question 7
 Have a favorite genre of music ?  anything but country and rap. both of those make my ears bleed.
 Are you gay, straight or bisexual?  straight.
Do you have kids and if so how many?  none, not unless you count the myriad dogs, cats and other animals we've had and have treated as children.
 Republican, Democrat, or Independent?  A proud member of the Who Gives A Shit party.  But in the real world, Republican.

Favorite movie of all time?  "Chinatown" staring Jack Nicholson.

Do you think "Survivor" should be canceled and has jumped the shark?"  It should have been canceled after its first season. Its one of the lamest shows on television and the one that started all this "reality show" crap.

Fiction or non-fiction?  Both...depends on mood I am in.
 Kathie Lee or Kelli Ripa?  Niether.  Both are no-talent bimbos who should be working a car show someplace. 
What is your favorite chain store?   Waldenbooks. Does that count?  I shop at Wally World more often though 'cause I'm poor.
McCain or Obama?   Bugg.  But given the choice presented, definitely Obama.
Do you remember a game show called "Joker's Wild"?  Vaguely.  Kinda like a slot machine motif, right?

 In your opinion, did you think Dinah Shore was a closet lesbian?  No, but I heard she was really black but light skinned.   Also heard Barbara Stanwick was gay.  She was one of Mr. Bugg's fave hearthrobs and when I told him that, I thought he was gonna hang himself.

Do you think Star Jones should be deported to another planet?  Hey, now there's an idear.  One less whiney attention whore to clog up the air waves.  And she looks like hammered shit since she lost weight.
Are you a sexual person?  Depends on who's asking.  wink wink nudge nudge
Would you impeach George W. Bush?   Hail, yes. But then we'd have a real Dick in the oval office.  I am for impeaching the whole current administration.
Do you gamble?  Like a maniac.  My picture is on the ads for the Problem Gambler's Hotline.

posted on June 28, 2008 11:50 AM ()


"No...they are the biggest waste of film on television today. Right up there with late night info-mercials and anything on Fox News."
Oh, Bugg, that is a sentence I have spoken many many times.
I don't feel like I'm alone any more.
Goddess Bless you for saying it Loud!
comment by thestephymore on June 29, 2008 12:00 AM ()
Ah, Bugg! You can make a survey funny!
comment by redimpala on June 28, 2008 9:13 PM ()
Love your answers Bugg
comment by elfie33 on June 28, 2008 3:22 PM ()
comment by marta on June 28, 2008 2:45 PM ()
I'm going to miss your blogs while I am 'gone'--you may have to snail mail them to the hospital.
By the way from some of your answers you may be 'blocked' from his blog along with all the others who disagree with him or doesn't like what he likes!
comment by greatmartin on June 28, 2008 1:16 PM ()
Very interesting!
comment by lunarhunk on June 28, 2008 12:01 PM ()

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