He likes the fair because he gets to see bunnies and turkeys and cows and horsies and piggies but they don't have kittiez there. Go figure!
He does this every yeer because they have food stands along the midway where they sell you stuff to eat like hot dogs (YUCK! WOULD YEW EAT DOG MEAT?) and chicken and funnel cakes and especially corn dogs.

Now,my daDDy he figures that he is a expert at judging corn dogs. He has made them at home and even tried those awful frozen ones but he sez that some of the ones he gets at the fair are pretty good and some are reely awful.
Now yous who lives across the ocean might not know whut corn dogs are. Well, corn dogs are hot dogs - the sausage kind - that some people call frankfurters or weiners and they are on a long stick and dipped in corn meal batter and then deep fried in hot blazing mybloggers oil.

He also sez that a true corn dog affishunado will only put mustard on the cooked corn dog and that if someone puts catsup or relish or onions on one then that person should get on their knees and pray for forgiveness cause they just ruined the meal.
He loves them corn dogs and eats about five or six when he goes to the fair wif his funny straw hat on his head.

He don't bring any home wif him, but we luvs him just the same. He smellz good wif mustard in his mustache.