I took a drive a few days ago and struggled with my emotions as I looked upon some of the farmer’s fields. What was once hundreds of acres of planted corn, or soybeans are now miles of lakes. And while the scenery is beautiful with the sun reflecting off the water, many of these farmers are now misplaced, have little to no farmland left, or suffer the fact that even if the land were to dry up soon, it is way too late to re-plant. (Not to mention the expense)
I was proud when Whoopie talked a few days ago on “The View†about donating all we could to our Local Red Crosses. These folks need help –

My Birthday was WONDERFUL!! My entire family pitched in and bought me an AMAZING new digital camera! And while I LOVE LOVE LOVE my new gift, I must say I also feel so guilty about what each of them had to pitch in to afford it. Life is so tough for everyone, and a gift such as this was just too much! I sat here and cried while they all beamed!
So… As with ANY Photographer what do you do when you get a new toy? GO PLAY! And off to the Zoo we went! You just can’t find a better place to try out all the new features! After 4 hours of pictures, Ice cream, carousel rides,

and mating Wallaby’s,

it was off to a wonderful Chinese Dinner! (My family spoils me, I know!)
And to end the evening it was coffee at Starbucks while enjoying the Water Falls at Falls Park.

To sum up this Blog tonight I just wish to say how truly grateful I am to have the amazing family I do! There are not enough pages in my Gratitude book to say all I wish to say, so I will say it here –
Thank you Bradley, Stephanie, Tyler and MJ – My purpose in life was to have each of you! And each day I thank God for bringing you to me!
Thank you Marc – My Soulmate… My Lover, and my Best Friend!
Thank you Ray – My Bestest buddy EVER!! Thank you for helping me up on the hard days and always helping me to see the positive in life… I learn from you everyday!
Thank you Alicia – My Niece with the kindest and gentlest heart I know –
You all gave me a day I will remember... Forever!!!

A new digital camera is so fun to play around with. Your photos are great!