Oh,all right.What is the title has to do with this?
Need to get attention?
Noticed that I am getting older and never a day goes by saying,gee!I wonder what I looked liked as a baby.
Please no comments on this.LOL.
I know that we were very dirt poor with all the children's that my parents had.
Did not see any baby pictures of me.
Even being a youth growing up and never saw any.
I would have loved to know what I look like.
Was I cute,handsome,ugly etc.
Knowing that my parents were immigrant coming from a wonderful country of "Italia"
They were not educated,poor and looking for a life in this wonderful country of ours.
No one had a camera and not sure what they had in those days.
Did I wear a diaper?pants,surely it was not Calvin Klein shorts.
Many of you out there have baby pictures.
That is great.
Wonder what I weigh,how long I was etc.
Could not get any information on this.
Why do we think of all these things that we wanted to know.
Most of it our fault.
Never asked any question.
Mommy "Where did I come from"?
But it is too late to ask these question.
All of them are gone.
With just the two of us are left.
My brother did not have any pictures at all.
Not even himself.
What is the story here.
Ask your parents a lot of question and get answered.
Pictures,where did you come from etc.
A lot of history goes down in the drain.
I am very sorry that I let this get away.
Sure,I got some answers about my parents when they came here and settled down.
Missed all of this.
Why do I think small?
Because I missed all of this.
Do your self a favor,gather all the information and keep it somewhere.
When you have a family,you will be saying.
When You Think Of Small.
Good Afternoon.FREDO