After seeing the wonderful movie"King Speech"
The rest of the afternoon we saw a wonderful movie on DVD that was made for HBO.
This was highly recommend by Martin D.Goodkin.
I always checked out his recommendition about any movie.
But he was right on the money on this one.
Temple Grandin,a brillant young woman coping with the stigma of autism.This is played by Emmy Award winner
Claire Danes.
At that time autsim was misunderstood.
She had the support of her family.
Temple dedicates herself to learning and becomes a famed animal behaviorist.
Her passion for animals give her a unique ability to understand them,and she fullfills her love of education by teaching about autism and the most humane ways to treat both livestock and pets./
Had a great cast.
Mike and I were very inspired by this.
If you have a chance rent this at Netflix.
Yes,we watched a lot of movies.
Movies are our friends and we enjoyed them a lot.
Wether it is good or bad.
So,I thank Mr.Goodkin for this.
Dinner was succesful last night.
Nice evening.
We missed the snow.
More in the midweek.Now sure if we are going to missed this one.
Today we are off to an Antique Show that is held monthly.
Then it will be quiet.
The afternoon is the series"Castle"Season One
Have a great Sunday.Remember saying to your loved one.
"I Love You"