We just got back a couple of hours see this wonderful movie. The casting was excellent and the photography was great. Martin D.Goodkin had a good review on this. Hope that you had the time to read it. Collin Firth and G.Rush was excellent. But Rush shine on Firth. Both of these actors should be nominated for the best actor award. It was an enoyable afternoon and watching this. I have learned a lot about the history. That I did not know before. We recommend this movie to all. Now on a different note. We had a trace of snow. Company coming over for Italian food. I made meatballs and sausages along with the tomato sauce that been simmering for two days. Should taste good No? Rigatoni is the pasta. Italalian Bread. Anseitte cookies and pizzelle with supomi for dessert. Plenty of wine or coffe or tea. should be a nice eveings. Wish all of you were here having dinner with us. Good night.See you in the morning.
posted on Jan 8, 2011 1:37 PM ()
Another friend told me it was great also.
Rush will probably be nominated for supporting while Colin will be for best so they won't compete against each other. Enjoy your dinner and guests
Your dinner sounds phenomenal! Glad you liked the movie, I have heard good things about it.