This is a picture of my great grandson Robert.
He has sprung up and hopefully to be a basket ball player.
He is only 14 and reaching the six feet mark.
Have to get tab on him.
I woke up this morning Monday and things was fine.
Getting ready for my tennis game and my usual schedule day.
My game was fine but did feel something was quite not right.
After the game I pass on the Zumba class and showered and ready to do some food shopping.
Then still not feeling right head off to the market and pass on and came straight home for feeling nasuea.
Then light headed and head off to bed after taking Buffy out and then I collapsed on the bed.The chills and fever came.
I knew that this was going to happen for Mike had this last week.
They called the 24 hours virus.
Drank fluid,rest,nothing to eat as food did not appeal to me at all.
Mike came home to check me out and lift me out of the bed for the bathroom.Then it happen I vomit,vomit,vomit.
Boy did this take the hell out of me.
Needlessly to say I was knocked out.
Back to bed,juice,aspirin etc.
I try to eat something and could not.
Stayed in bed for the rest of the day and night.
This morning things looks much better and was able to have some breakfast.
Stayed home and no tennis.
Buffy loved this me being home.
At this time I am feeling much better.
Was able to eat and drink tea,juice,water.
I very seldom get sick and Mike said that he brought the virus from work.
Told him washed your hand more often there.
Not I am back to myself.
This is not the kind of blog that I want to write and then again did not have much news than this.Thank you for listening.Fredo
with Ted last night but he seems ok this morning. It is hard for you and
me to admit we aren't invincible.