Here it is five o'clock and happy to have our Buffy home with us.
Mike picked him up at four.
All is well and he had a couple of small teeth in the back to be removed.
At this time he is still kind of loopy and it will be a day or so back to normal so to speak.
I know some out there do not have any interest in this.
But he is our family dog and we loved him.
I was very surprised at the vet.bill and pleased.
Surgery went well as he said this is not a big deal.
For me it is.Teeth are nice and white.
Will have to go back and get the sutures removed.
Yes we do a lot for our pet.
Here are a few pictures.

Buffy says,that is nice to be home with my two dads.
Outside all of this.No big new.Sorry,to hear that Huntsman dropped out.
I am sure that he will be Mitt VP.
No not watching the foolish debate tonight.
They are a bunch of asshole.
Big fat Newt there.He is pathetic along with the rest of them.
Happy MLK day.Fredo