Febreze (breezy)


Febreze (breezy)
Timperley, C5
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Another Metamorphosis

Shopping > I Have Heard of This!

I Have Heard of This!

Sandra Bullock has admitted to using haemorrhoid cream on her under eye bags to reduce puffiness - she apparently learnt the trick while filming Miss Congeniality. "I didn't realise that putting haemorrhoid ointment on your face is acceptable in the beauty business," says Sandra. "But apparently, butt cream helps lines around the eyes!" Sandra's beauty tip may be one of the strangest, but it's also a beauty tip that many celebrities are said to swear by. However, Aneta at John Masters Organics urges caution. "Ingredients in haemorrhoid cream can shrink blood vessels, but the cream is too strong to be used on the under eye area. Instead, look for an eye gel that contains shea butter and rye to hydrate and firm the skin." John Masters Organics Firming Eye Gel (johnmasters.co.uk) soothes and calms tired eyes with a powerful blend of de-puffing yeast extract and antioxidant liposomes.

posted on Feb 1, 2011 5:27 AM ()


I've always thought that if hemorrhoid cream is so great for this, why hasn't someone relabeled the same ingredients and called it eye cream?

Found this on the web:
"The Canadian formulation of Preparation H includes a yeast extract called BioDyne which has been removed from the formulation previously sold in the United States in 1995. This yeast extract is believed by many to remove wrinkles from skin and heal dry, cracked, and irritated skin. Thus the Canadian formulation has acquired a market in the United States as a skin cream. The manufacturer of this active ingredient has subsequently marketed it to the cosmetic industry as an anti-wrinkle product."
comment by troutbend on Feb 3, 2011 9:38 PM ()
Interesting - I recall a few months ago 'L'Oreal' bringing out a 'Fantastic New Formula', for wrinkles and bags under the eyes - however, it was mighty, expensive, so I didn't read any further. It must have been around this time, that somebody told me about 'pile ointment' and it's ingredients. I did intend trying it out, but eventually, I forgot all about it - untill this article popped up and reminded me.
This morning I tried a 'Freeze Gel' - it stops pain by reducing swelling etc. so I thought I would see if it would do anything - I will let you know how it worked out in a week of applying it

reply by febreze on Feb 4, 2011 9:27 AM ()
Instead of using moisturizing cream.Use Crisco.No odor,no water in it.
Most of the cream has water and this contribute to the skin.
Easy said and done,but who is going to do this.
Movie actress Doris Day once said that before going to be.She put vaseline on most of her body.A stick stituation there
comment by fredo on Feb 3, 2011 10:17 AM ()
I have been having a look at other products I have here . . . I found some 'Freeze Gel' - the stuff that athletes could use, if, they have a sprain (or similar) - it reduces the swelling and 'freezes' the pain. Weellllll . . . I thought to myself, this stuff could, help . . . so I dabbed a little under my eyes (avoiding the eye) it 'tingled a bit, but it hasn't caused any 'adverse' reaction . . . . . . (yet)

reply by febreze on Feb 4, 2011 9:17 AM ()
Oh!you girls.Stop worrying what you look like.So a little of this and that.So enjoyed it.You all look fine.
comment by fredo on Feb 1, 2011 9:16 AM ()
Every 'little' helps, you see Fredo . . .

reply by febreze on Feb 3, 2011 10:12 AM ()
She discovered one of my beauty secrets. Have been doing this on and off for hears. I think the shark oil is what does it. I just put it on all my face and have never had an adverse reaction.
comment by nenah on Feb 1, 2011 7:29 AM ()
I am going to try this - I had intended trying it when I was first told about it, but with one thing and another, I never did - I forgot about to tell you the truth I am going to give it a go

reply by febreze on Feb 3, 2011 9:52 AM ()
I have heard of this. Also the cream for stretch marks evidently works well as a beauty cream.
comment by elderjane on Feb 1, 2011 5:45 AM ()
It is surprising what other preparations on the market, will work as an alternate for another - very handy though

reply by febreze on Feb 3, 2011 9:47 AM ()

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