Febreze (breezy)


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Another Metamorphosis

Life & Events > Facing Each Other . . .

Facing Each Other . . .

King Harold had already smashed the Vikings and now he decided to do the same to the Normans.
However, they were at the other end of the country!

King Harold and his troops marched 250 miles in 9 days.  An incredible effort!
King Harold and his army, rushed south, and camped at the top of ‘Senlac Hill’ -  about 5 miles from Hastings on the south coast.
The two armies were roughly the same size, but there were important differences between them.
King Harold's force (amongst others) were made up of ‘Housecarls’ – these

men who were fully trained, strong, professional soldiers/warriors.  Armed with a shield and a battle-axe.  They could join together and use their shields to form a shield wall.

The shield wall did not just ‘stand still’.  For the Housecarls to use their battle-axe, they would have to move apart slightly.  This gave them space to swing the axe at the enemy.  Parts of the shield wall would move forward together to attack.


The Housecarls were probably the best soldiers in Europe.
Unlike William's forces, the Housecarls were loyal to Harold whatever happened - money didn't matter to them!


William of Normandy’s troops consisted of Knights on horseback, Archers and Mercenaries.

Both sides had horses (but the Saxons travelled on them and then got off to fight on foot)!
Norman horses were carefully looked after and were well also known for their strength and speed.

The mercenaries  were well trained and loyal – however, they were only ‘loyal’ to William so long as he ‘paid’ them plus, they had a tendency to ‘swap’ sides during a battle if, the side they were fighting happened to be ‘winning’ lol!
The next day (October 14th) the Normans began forming a battle line at the bottom of the hill.  The two armies shouted insults at each other . . .

Both forces stood ready.

The fight for the throne of England was about to begin!

posted on Jan 30, 2011 11:23 AM ()


This is fascinating. I am watching the Tudors on bbc. I love it.
comment by elderjane on Jan 31, 2011 12:37 PM ()
I am so glad you like what I am doing, it is a big bonus - as you know, I love writing about history and when someone likes what I am doing, it is a boost
It is an excellent programme The Tudor dynasty (cough cough - a 'Welsh' one, lol) is a fascinating part of our history - I think it is the 'ultimate' in 'dastardly deeds and dirty doings' scenario fabulous period.

reply by febreze on Feb 3, 2011 10:23 AM ()

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